11+ Bond 11 Plus 9-10 Assessment Practice (Year 5) - NEW 2024 EDITION


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Completely updated and revised from the bestselling Bond series published by Oxford University Press, this collection of books is the perfect way for students to prepare for the 11 plus exam (both GL and CEM) and selective school tests.


Bond 11+ English, Maths, Non-verbal Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning Assessment Practice: 9-10+ Years Bundle includes four subject-specific Assessment Practice books, providing comprehensive exam-style preparation for the 11+ exam. The books have been developed and written by experienced tutors and offer exam-style practice questions for children preparing to take the 11+ exam. Bond Assessment Practice titles also include curveball questions to help children develop their ability to adapt to unusual question types.

This practice books use a range of question styles to instil the flexibility of approach that is essential for success. Topic-specific learning papers develop the key skills that underpin the 11+ exam, building to mixed practice and full test papers to further reinforce those skills and build all-important exam-confidence. The books in the bundle are intuitively designed to aid learning and bursting with guidance and tutor tips, offering the best possible preparation for the 11+ exam.

Full answer explanations are included in removable booklets.

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